

  • 类型:动作/奇幻/冒险
  • 地区:美国
  • 导演:布莱恩·辛格
  • 时长:144分钟
  • 上映时间:2016年06月03日



  • 快银:我必须快速向前,哪怕慢了一点点,对于我们都是灭顶之灾。——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Peter: I'm not afraid of him. Magneto? He's my father.
    Raven: Whaaaaaaat?
    Peter: He was with my mom did...
    Raven: Oh, I know!
    瑞雯:哦,我懂! ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Raven: Forget everything you think you know, none of that matters. You're not students anymore, you're X-Men!
    瑞雯:忘记你们知道的所有事,那些事都不重要。你们不再是学生了,你们是X战警! ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Charles: Erik, don't join them.
    Erik: Whatever you think you saw in me, I buried with my families.
    艾里克:无论你怎么认为我怎么看我,我早已将之同我的家人一起掩埋了。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Apocalypse: Together, we'll cleanse the earth. Everything they build will fall! And from the ashes of their walls, we'll build a better one!
    天启:携手并举,我们将清洗地球!他们建立的一切,将会分崩离析!自他们废墟的灰烬中,我们将建立一个更好的世界! ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Charles: Thing are better, the world is better.
    Raven: Just because there's not a war, doesn't mean there's peace. He's coming.
    瑞雯:仅因为没有发生战争,就不能断定和平已经降临,他要来了。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Moira: Some call him Apocalypse, he was some kind of god. For thousands of years, he's been amassing mutants, to take their powers. He always has four followers.
    Alex: Like the four horsemen.
    亚历克斯:就像天启的四骑士一样。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Erik Lensherr:Who the fuck are you?
    En Sabah Nur:Come and see.
    天启:走着瞧。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Apocalypse: Everything they've built will fall! And from the ashes of their world, we'll build a better one!
    天启:他们所建立的一切都将会毁灭!废墟之上,我们将会建立一个更好的世界! ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Moira MacTaggert: [opens a CIA folder] Ever since the world found out about mutants there have been secret societies, who see them as some kind of second coming or sign of god. They believe that tens of thousands of years ago an ancient being was born, the world's first...
    Charles Xavier:...mutant.
    X教授:......变种人 ——《X战警:天启经典片段》
  • Jean Grey: [Jean wakes up from a nightmare] I saw the end of the world. I could feel all this death...
    Charles Xavier: Jean, it was just a dream.
    查尔斯·泽维尔:琴,那只是个梦罢了。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Apocalypse: I've been called many things over many lifetimes: Ra, Krishna, Yahweh. I was there to spark and fan the flame of man's awakening, to spin the wheel of civilization.
    天启:几世以来我有很多名字:Ra, Krishna, Yahweh.。我的存在是为了激发和煽动人类觉醒的火焰,推动文明前进。 ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Apocalypse: You are all my children, and you're lost because you follow blind leaders. No more false gods. I'm here now.
    天启:你们都是我的后代,你们迷失了是因为跟着一个盲目的领导者。不会再有更多伪神了,跟着我吧。 ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Jean Grey: [Jean wakes up from a nightmare] I saw the end of the world. I could feel all this death...
    Charles Xavier: Jean, it was just a dream.
    X教授:Jean,那只是个梦。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • [after brutally dispatching a group of humans]
    Erik Lensherr: [tormented] IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME?
    年轻时的万磁王:(备受折磨的)这就是你想从我这得到的? ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Erik Lensherr: Does it ever wake you in the middle of the night? The feeling that one day, they'll come for you? And your children?
    Charles Xavier: I feel a great swell of pity for the poor soul who comes to my school looking for trouble.
    X教授:我对那些个来我的学校找麻烦的衰人深表遗憾。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Moira MacTaggert: Where ever this being was, he would always have four followers who he would imbue with power. [the cut shows scenes of Storm, Angel, Psylocke, and Magneto]
    Alex Summers: Like the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. He got that one from the Bible.
    Moira MacTaggert: Or the Bible got it from him.
    莫莉娅博士:又或者圣经就是在描述他。 ——《X战警:天启经典片段》
  • Scott Summers: We had a little help.
    [Wolverine appears]
    (金刚狼出现) ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Raven: Forget everything you think you know, you're not students anymore! You're X-Men!
    掠夺者:忘掉所有你以为你知道的事,你不再是个学生了!你是X战警! ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Charles Xavier: Oh God... he can control all of us!
    X教授:噢天呐.....他能控制我们所有人! ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Charles Xavier: Eric, don't join them...
    Erik Lensherr: Whatever you think you saw in me, I buried it with my family.
    万磁王:不管你觉得你在我身上看到了什么,我都把它们和我的家人一起埋葬了。 ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Scott Summers: Not all of us can control our powers.
    Raven: Then don't! This is war!
    掠夺者:那就别控制!这是战争! ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • [Magneto pulls Charles' wheelchair away from his friends]
    Raven: CHARLES!
    掠夺者:查尔斯! ——《X战警:天启经典片段》
  • Moira MacTaggert: Some believe that the first mutant was born thousands of years ago. He was some kind of god, and he's going to rise again.
    莫莉娅博士:有人认为第一个变种人出生在几千年前。他是某种神明,他会再次崛起。 ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Raven: Mutants are being hunted, living in fear!
    掠夺者:变种人遭到追捕,活在恐惧之中! ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Charles Xavier: He means to destroy this world... billions of people killed.
    X教授:他想毁灭这个世界........杀死几十亿人。 ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Magneto: [under the control of Apocalypse] We'll take everything from them...
    万磁王:(处于天启的控制之下)我们会夺走他们的一切...... ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Hank McCoy: The world needs the X-Men.
    Raven: That's why I'm here. To fight!
    掠夺者:这就是我为什么在这。为了战斗! ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Apocalypse: Everything they've built will fall! And from the ashes of their world, we'll build a better one!
  • Peter: Magneto is my father.
    Raven: [turns around, shocked] What?
    瑞雯:[转过身,神态十分震惊]你说什么? ——《X战警:天启经典对白》
  • Charles Xavier: It's all of us, against a god!
    查尔斯:我们这里的所有人都不会向他屈服! ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Peter: You wanted me to get out of the house more, right?
    彼得:你想让我多出门走走,对吗? ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • Kurt Wagner: [to Raven] You're her?
    夜行者:[对着魔形女说]你是她吗? ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • 魔形女:忘掉你们认为你们所知道的一切,你们不再是学生!你们是x战警!——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • 镭射眼:他们就像天启的四骑士一样。他的灵感来自《圣经》。——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • 天启:我们将一起为了留下最强者的基因而对整个地球进行大清洗!——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • X教授:我们所有人将共同对抗这个神!——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • 野兽:这个世界需要X战警。
  • 魔形女:异种人再被屠杀,生活在恐惧之中。——《X战警:天启经典语录》
  • I've never felt power like this before...
    查尔斯:我从来没感受过这么强大的力量。 ——《X战警:天启经典语录》
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